Noodoll in Hong Kong

Unique Gift Ideas for cool HK kids: Noodoll, the Doll made from Noodles!

Noodoll was created by designer and author YiYing Wang (王怡穎) and brings to life a host of characters made out of noodles and rice. Yes really!

Noodoll in Hong Kong- kids toys

The mischevious and friendly soft toys and décor from Noodoll are a real hit with adults and kids alike who love design.

Noodoll in Hong Kong- kids toys

At petit bazaar we’re excited to be welcoming Noodoll to our Hong Kong stores. We love the unique playfulness of these items and think they make a really funky gift for little ones. There’s even a unique backstory to Noodolls. Hailing from The Noodle Town, all the residents have their own personalities. The Noodoll world is one of imagination and play! Visit our stores to pick up your own piece of modern designer play and décor items now.

Noodoll kids toys in Hong Kong

Most importantly these décor items and toys are totally safe for little ones, and have been hand finished in the UK to ensure the best quality. See our website for Noodolls on sale now!

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