Playing is Learning !
As the wonderful time of Christmas approaches we all ask ourselves “what are we going treat our little angels with ?”…
It is a good time to remember what we need to consider when choosing for a toy, a game, or any others objects for our children, as playing is very important.
And most of all play is the way children learn !
At Petit Bazaar, we can help you !
This article below, written by Jane K. Frobose from Colorado State University Extension (updated 2014) is very instructive and worth reading
Parents should consider the following questions when choosing toys for their children.
- Does this toy respond and adapt to the interests and needs of my child?
- Does it invite my child to explore and to become involved with it?
- Does it respond to my child’s natural curiosity ?
- Is it unstructured, allowing my child to decide how best it should be used? There should be no right or wrong way to play with a toy.
Toys should challenge a child’s interests and abilities. They should match skill and maturity levels. With the right toy, a child will be neither bored nor unduly frustrated.
Through play, children learn about themselves, their environment, people and the world around them. As they play, children learn to solve problems and to get along with others. They enhance their creativity and develop leadership skills and healthy personalities. Play develops skills children need to learn to read and write. Play in early childhood is the best foundation for success in school.
As a child learns to reach, grasp, crawl, run, climb and balance, physical skills are developed. Dexterity develops when the child handles toys or other objects.
Language increases as a child plays and interacts with others. A baby’s cooing games with parents evolve into the language skills of a child sharing stories. Learning to cooperate, negotiate, take turns and play by the rules are important interpersonal lifetime skills, all of which play fosters.
Positive play experiences develop positive emotional well-being. Through play and imagination, a child can fulfill wishes and overcome fears of unpleasant experiences. Play helps the child master the environment. When children feel secure, safe, successful and capable, they acquire important components of positive emotional health. Sharing play experiences also can create strong bonds between parent and child.
Parents are their child’s first playmates. Here are some guidelines for playing with your child:
- Interact – the richest play takes place when the adult takes an active role and plays along side the child, rather than just providing toys or supervision.
- Observe – watch your child closely to determine skill level and favorite activities.
- Follow – join in at the child’s level. Let your child be in control and determine the direction of play.
- Be creative – Rediscover the child within yourself. Set aside restricting adult norms. Use toys creatively.
- Have Fun – Playing should be fun for everyone — not frustrating. Do not use the time to test or stretch the child’s skills beyond capabilities.
- Children are thinkers. Parents or caregivers can pose age-appropriate problems and challenges to children to help them think of as many different solutions as possible. It is important to know your child so well that you can match problems to the child’s abilities and interests.
- Age and ability level. Play activities should fit the child. They should be a bit difficult, but not so difficult as to overwhelm or frustrate the child. Not all children, even at the same age, think at the same level and not all children have the same interests.
Both solitary and social play is necessary for a child’s development. A child can play with a building toy alone and in the process, develop independence, self-sufficiency and persistence. Playing with the same toy with others, the child acquires social skills such as sharing, empathy and cooperation. Quality materials, fine workmanship and simplicity of design will assure that a toy will withstand the rigors of children’s play.