Antenatal classes in Hong Kong : How to choose a class
We love to prepare new mums for new arrivals, and not just at our stores with the baby shower gift list– this week guest blogger Jeanne Hauguel from Doula Birth Story lets petit bazaar know why antenatal classes are so important and gives her recommendations on how to choose an antenatal class in Hong Kong.
Why are antenatal classes important?
By Jeanne Hauguel, Doula
Antenatal classes come in various forms and there is a style of session out there for every family. Some classes focus mostly on labour and birth, other guide you through what life with a newborn baby will look like. All have the same aim: preparing you!
Though antenatal classes are not compulsory, they are recommended as they can help prepare for the physical and emotional changes that you are going to go through. They will help you have a better birth experience, as well as prepare you for coping in the early weeks after birth. Classes aim to improve your skills and confidence, as well as giving you tools, practice, and information to use during childbirth and early parenthood; that will help you determine the choices that are best for you.
Pregnancy is a normal process and the care that you will experience throughout will have a profound impact upon you, your baby and your family. There is a wealth of information available to you in books, dvds, internet, etc but the sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming. This is where antenatal classes can help, allowing your care to be enhanced by giving you access to relevant information and the opportunity to question anything you don’t understand. They provide a positive and effective method of communication that enables you to discuss any worries with professionals and other parents. Antenatal classes offer access to up to date information as research continually changes what is recommended when it comes to childbirth and baby care.
It is also important that your partner, who will be supporting you through these stages, can also attend the classes so that they too will know what to do to best help and support you. Birth partners are a vital part of the process and need as much as the birthing mother, to be informed and prepared.
How to choose a class? Think about what you are expecting to learn during this class. Look what is available in your community and contact the people who teach the classes to know more about the classes content and philosophy. Think about how you want to class to be taught, whether it is online, in group or in one-to-one sessions. Compare a couple of providers and find the classes that suit you.
When to take the class? Most childbirth educators advice to take your class when you are around 8-10 weeks before your baby is due. If you are willing to take more than one class, you might want to start a little earlier to have time to do them all.
About the Author: Jeanne Hauguel is a mother of two who has lived in Asia for 8 years. She has been a doula in Hong Kong for the past two years, helping families through birth and post-partum; offering labour and birth support, post-natal help, breastfeeding support and placenta encapsulation services. As a childbirth educator, Jeanne helps parents to prepare for the arrival of their newborn offering antenatal classes on several topics such as labour and birth, baby care, postpartum recovery, and more. Click or email her at to know more.